Franz Johann Friedrich Nadorp - The Entombment
The drawing belongs with the first extant works by Nadorp dating from the early years of his sojourn in Rome, where he settled in 1827, that may also attest to the importance of his preceding art training in Prague. The multi−figural composition represents the peak of the creative ambitions shared by the artists of his day. However, contrary to the Nazarenes concept of the biblical scene, influenced by Italian Renaissance masters, Nadorp stressed the emotional charge in this composition, that corresponded to the tragic nature of the subject. At the same time, he followed the earlier artistic tradition that was cultivated in various forms at the Prague Art Academy, for example, the motif of the descending row of heads, so popular with Josef Bergler. As a whole, the composition reflects the growing admiration of the High and Late Gothic style as a model originating in Europe, outside Italy.
measurements: height 520 mm
width 474 mm
in collections:
material: greyish paper
technique: pencil drawing, washed
inventory number: DK 1143
gallery collection: Collection of Prints and Drawings