

Anonymous - Kubera
Kubera, the god of wealth, was worshipped by Javanese Hindus and Buddhists (who called him Jambhala). A portly young man seated in the lalitasana posture of “royal gracefulness” makes the gesture of compassion, varada, with his right hand, while his left holds a pouch of jewels. Heads of mythical sea-creatures, Makaras, grow out of the throne’s back, the mongoose accompanying Kubera looks out from the front part of the base and lions’ heads can be seen along the base’s sides. The figure’s design, the fiery halo and the detail of the sole of the foot pressed against a lotus blossom recall Pala sculpture of eastern India, whose influence is most evident in Java in small bronze statues done after models from India brought back by monks, pilgrims or merchants when close cultural ties existed between Java and India.
measurements: height 14,3 cm
material: Bronze
inventory number: Vp 2924
gallery collection: Collection of Asian and African Art