Bodhisattva Guanyin Seated in "Royal-Ease Pose"


Anonymous - Bodhisattva Guanyin Seated in
Bodhisattva Guanyin is a major figure in the Asian Buddhist pantheon. Like the saints worshipped in other religious systems, people believe Guanyin – in some of her forms – provides protection, grants wishes or brings sons to women who worship her. Starting in 9th-century China, Guanyin was often depicted in the form of a beautiful woman with many decorative elements, such as a crown, necklace or shawl flowing from her shoulders. Guanyin seated in the so-called royal posture, i.e. with one leg extended forward and down, on a stylized mountain or rock, is a symbol of the deity’s readiness to descend to supplicants and fulfil her promises. This gracefully formed and elegantly rendered sculpture from the National Gallery in Prague is one of the best such examples in Western collections.
measurements: height 82 cm
material: Wood, polychrome paint
technique: Cut, painted
inventory number: Vp 43
gallery collection: Collection of Asian and African Art