Portrait of an Elderly Man Holding a Tally Stick

Master of the Legend of Magdalen

Master of the Legend of Magdalen - Portrait of an Elderly Man Holding a Tally Stick
This is a typical example of the portrait production of the southern Low Countries of the first quarter of the 16th century. The austere, realistic description of the portrayed man, his serious expression and symbolism of the felled tree in the background suggest that the painting had originally fulfilled a commemorative function. It is well-known fact that the objects, which the represented figures held in their hands, were related to their life or job. The unidentified man in the Prague panel holds a tally stick, originally used for records of debts.
measurements: height 43,5 cm
width 31,1 cm
material: wood
technique: oil
inventory number: DO 4170
gallery collection: Collection of Old Masters