Study of the First Curtain, destroyed by fire, of the National Theatre in Prague

František Ženíšek

František Ženíšek - Study of the First Curtain, destroyed by fire, of the National Theatre in Prague
One of Ženíšek's several studies for the first curtain for the National Theatre, destroyed by fire on 12 August 1881. It is a design of the central field of the curtain with the Genius of Art floating in the middle, while on the right is an allegory of Drama and on the left an allegory of Music, with the attributes of a mask and a musical instrument, symbols of their meaning. Ženíšek focused on striking form and decorative elements, emphasizing the brilliantly executed contour line.
measurements: height 60 cm
width 77 cm
material: paper on canvas
technique: oil
inventory number: O 10795
gallery collection: Collection of 19th Century Art and Classical Modernism

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