Baptism of Christ

Alessandro Allori

Alessandro Allori - Baptism of Christ
Allori was first trained by his uncle, an important Florentine painter Agnolo Bronzino, whose style provided a model for him, later on. During his sojourn in Rome he was considerably influenced by the works of Raphael and Michelangelo. In his native Florence he mostly worked for the famous Medici family. The subject of this work is based on the Gospel description of the baptism of Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, during which the Holy Ghost appeared in the form of a white dove. The athletic figures are evidently based on Michelangelo` s works and his moumental style. The approximate dating of the painting into c. 1570 is based on a comparison with Allori´s works created for the studiolo (study space) of Francesco I de´ Medici in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.
measurements: height 36,5 cm
width 27 cm
in collections:
material: wood
technique: tempera
inventory number: O 1645
gallery collection: Collection of Old Masters