Lidded bowl decorated with floral motifs

Anonymous artist

Anonymous artist - Lidded bowl decorated with floral motifs
This bowl from Arita bears identical decoration on the body and lid – a rock with a bouquet of chrysanthemums and peonies, a band of scrollwork with foliage and blossoms under a rock and a band of astragal beading. The bowl’s inner walls are adorned with a circular medallion with a central Chinese carnation motif, while the rim bears a narrow band of plant ornamentation with prunus blossoms and scrollwork. The edge is adorned with a golden line and the lid’s bottom is decorated with a clove motif most often used in the first quarter of the 18th century. (See Filip Suchomel – Marcela Suchomelová, Mistrovská díla japonského porcelánu, Praha 1997, p. 115.)
measurements: height 13,4 cm
depth 17,4 cm
material: Porcelain
technique: Painted in underglaze cobalt blue and overglaze red, green, yellow, black enamel and gold, bluish glaze
inventory number: Vu 2206
gallery collection: Collection of Asian and African Art