Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia

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Klášter sv. Anežky české (Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia)

Built in 13th century, Gothic architecture

Its buildings are used by the National Gallery since 1980

The convent was built for the Clare nuns, brought to Prague by Anežka, the sister of Bohemian king Václav I. Its unknown author enriched the city with an inspirational architecture of the so-called Burgundian Gothic. Gradually, an extensive complex grew up here, consisting of several churches, even though in as early as 17th century, the vault of the largest one, dedicated to Saint František, collapsed. At the end of the following century, the convent was abolished, and the place as a result lost its exquisite architecture, having been turned into apartments for the needy and warehouses or workshops. Finally, in as late as second half of the 19th century, reconstruction of the entire complex began, but a painfully slow one, its Gothic beauty emerging only after 1967, when the church of St. František received a new vault and doesn’t make a secret of the fact but still preserves a Mediaeval character. The Gothic architecture of the convent corresponds well to the works of art from the same period of time exhibited inside, but its surroundings, formed by gardens and various courtyards open to the public, is where you will find contemporary art.

Current information:    Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia

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