Passion Altarpiece, called Göttingen - The Descent of the Holy Spirit

Hans Raphon

Hans Raphon - Passion Altarpiece, called Göttingen - The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Dating 1499, Raphon´s paintings originally formed the centre and second inside wings of the massive passion altarpiece including 41 panels. The scenes on the left wing depict events of the end of Christ´s life on the earth, the centre describes his sacrifice, and the scenes on the right wing are devoted to the moments right after Jesus´s death, and the subsequent celebration of the Saviour. The thirteen panels represent the only surviving part of the former Göttingen retable, even if in its dimensions, narrative character and execution, the fragment is in fact monumental.
measurements: height 125 cm
width 73,3 cm
in collections:
material: wood
technique: oil tempera
inventory number: O 11577
gallery collection: Collection of Old Masters
from cycle: Passion Altarpiece, called Göttingen