Sternberg Palace

30 artworks

Šternberský palác (the Sternberg Palace)

Built from 1698 to 1707, probable author Giovanni Alliprandi, Baroque architecture

Used by the National Gallery since 1811

Initially, the palace, an example of High Baroque, was probably meant to be much larger, reaching as far as the Hradčanské square, but in the end, only the part facing the Jelení příkop (The Stag Moat) went up; this is why it can only be accessed by going through a narrow passage next to the Arcibiskupský palác (Palace of the Archbishops). Standing on a strict regular plan, its four wings, each consisting of three floors, surround the more or less square-shaped inner courtyard. Into one of the wings, an oval bay has been inserted, facing the garden and being a floor higher. The present entrance was only added in 1811, when the palace became a property of the Společnost vlasteneckých přátel umění (Society of Patriotic Friends of Art), the predecessor of today’s National Gallery in Prague.

Current information:    Sternberg Palace
