Harlot II

Josef Čapek

Josef Čapek - Harlot II
The Harlot is an illustration for the poem Zone by Guillaume Apollinaire. The poem was translated by Karel Čapek and published by Fr. Borový in 4500 copies. The graphic layout is the work of Josef Čapek, who signed and hand-coloured 20 copies. That same year the illustrations appeared in the magazine Červen (June), the official journal of the artists’ group Tvrdošíjní (The Stubborn). At the same time, Čapek issued his Album of Ten Prints (1918) and Eight Linocuts (1919) that are related in theme and style with the illustrations for Zone. The Zone illustrations represent a turning point in Josef Čapek’s graphic art. The portrayal of Harlot is associated with the verse: „J’humilie maintenant ? une pauvre fille au rire horrible ma bouche.“ (I humble my mouth to her grotesque laughter.) The illustrations do not reflect a literal transcription of the plot but are a loose accompaniment intended to evoke the poem’s atmosphere. They are generally regarded as Expressionistic in style, while also containing attributes of Civilism - an art movement of the times.
measurements: height 212 mm
width 157 mm
material: paper
technique: Linocut hand-coloured with watercolours
inventory number: R 145476
gallery collection: Collection of Prints and Drawings