Trade Fair Palace

66 artworks

Veletržní palác (Trade Fair Palace)

Constructed between 1924 and 1928, authors Oldřich Tyl and Josef Fuchs, Functionalist architecture

Used by the National Gallery since 1991

Built for the Society of Prague Sample Fairs, this palace immediately became the first large Functionalist building in the Czechoslovak capital city. Having filled with its simple composition in perfectly balanced proportionsan entire one block in the Holešovice residential district, it attracted attention thanks to its smooth rows of windows and spandrels which went across a great majority of the outer walls and also thanks to the façade at the northern end, divided by strictly square-shaped windows. The interior of the palace, meanwhile, offered the spectacular contrast of the Large and Small Halls, the former being relatively low, but the latter, lined with galleries, on the contrary taking up the space of all the floors. This Functionalist building is simply the greatest of all the art works that are exhibited inside.


Current information:   Trade Fair Palace
